What a delightful weekend we had. On Saturday our friends the Halbisches came over for lunch. Of course, I didn't think to take any photos while they were here but we had a lovely time. It was Liz' birthday and I found out that she likes Black Forest cake. I have never made one but found
this recipe and gave it a go.

All the insides squeezed out the side when it was cut, and, I confess, some came out before that. Also, I didn't use as much chocolate as they stipulate for the ganache - 375g! I only used around 250g and I still have more than half in my fridge - what will I do with it? Despite those issues, it tasted pretty good.

After losing no teeth at all for at least a year and a half, Toby's mouth is fast becoming all gaps. Here he is on Saturday evening.

And here on Sunday, both top teeth gone.

On Saturday evening Andrew and I used the movie vouchers Mim gave us and saw Avatar while Alice minded the kids (thanks Alice, it is such a
long movie). We don't get to the movies together very often so it was most enjoyable and I thought the movie was very good, if not the sort of thing I would choose for myself.
On Sunday Mim and Bill dropped in on their way home from their honeymoon. It was so good to see them, all relaxed after their holiday. As it was pretty late, and Molong is four hours away, they stayed the night so we had a lovely evening of eating, talking, tea drinking and walking. I'm going to miss Mim fiercely but am actually excited about the possibilities of going to visit - thanks to
Lorraine for her timely post on the delights of nearby Orange!
What I'm eating: Za'atar chicken and tabbouleh made with quinoa.
What I'm watching: Mary Poppins with the kids (it may be even longer than Avatar) and Midsomer Murders with Andrew.
What I'm reading: Just about to finish Exit Music and then I can concentrate on The Shifting Fog by Kate Morton (it's called The House at Riverton in the US an UK).