Friday, March 7, 2014

Baby bunnies

Last night, as we ate our dinner outside, denying Milo any food but rubbing his tummy with our feet, Toby told me the excitement of his day. It consisted mainly of going to the Ag plot at school and playing with the baby bunnies. There is a particularly sweet and tiny white one that is impossibly cute when it yawns.

This story sent me right back to year 8, in 1986, when my friends Teeny and Penny and I used to go down to the Ag plot in any spare moment to play with the bunnies. Having moved twice in the last couple of years, I knew just where to find photographic evidence.

This is long before selfies were a thing, so I am not in the photo. This is Teen and Penny at the PLC Ag plot, many years ago. And, because I'm sure you are disappointed not to see a photo of me, I'll include one with which I was very pleased at the time! The time in question was 1988, at the end of year 10 when I was leaving PLC for Barker and made a leaving book with my friends.


  1. Too cute! and I don't mean the bunnies ;) ... how time flies!

  2. Yes, but remember the killer bunnies we had at home. Two females I believe!!!

  3. "I must say I look quite cute" and you look so much like Joss (or vice versa)
