Sunday, February 6, 2011

A cool change

I confess that it was rather nice to have cooler weather than Sydney for a day or two. I think Sydney finally cooled down earlier today but we have had a perfectly cool weekend. Last night I even woke up cold!

I had my sleep in yesterday and found Bethany in the dress ups. It may have been cooler but it wasn't cold enough for a red velvet dress. She and Jossie are the sort of girls willing to suffer for beauty.

I spent most of the day doing washing and cleaning out bookcases but come evening, it was time to party, Stampin' Up style. When we were deciding on a social event for library staff the greater majority were all for more stamping. Sadly, neither Michael nor Simon were keen so we'll have to do something a little more gender neutral next time.

We gathered at Shell's new house and picked up some Thai takeaway before Liz arrived and we got creative, or at least recreative.

We were working on several projects and had a number of work stations.

There was much fun and frivolity. Here is what I made (we had options).

This afternoon, after we had a big lunch for everyone at church, I made dumplings. They didn't look quite so good after steaming but Toby loved them, Jossie tolerated them and Bethany was told, in the end, to keep her opinions to herself.

Toby and Bethany have been playing together very well lately.

They like to play 'fighting'. I wouldn't like to take Bethany on......

Now the children are all smelling sweet and almost ready for bed before another week. I am getting ready to go to Canberra for a couple of days and Jossie is playing with her hair.

She says it is a bow but Bethany says she looks like Mickey Mouse.


  1. The dumplings look amazing! What's in them? And Shell's new house? what a huge light fitting! sounds like you had a fun time....

  2. PS yesterday went from 42 down to 20, woke up this morning and it's only 17 outside! Hopefully, some cooler weather might be here to stay.

  3. I was wondering if you were in the area affected by the flooding. It's so horrible to read about it all. Your children are darling, by the way.
