Friday, November 5, 2010

In the news

There's Andrew, in the paper. He's playing keyboard, trumpet and saxophone in the local production of The Boy From Oz. It's very exciting and we can't wait to finally see the show. Opening night is the 13th of November and we (Jossie, Toby and I) are going on the 20th.

Bethany was in the paper yesterday in a regular spot where they ask a particular question to primary school children. What has been the best part of Bethany' first year at school? Going to the computer room because she likes typing things like sentences. I love it!

I think the photo of Bethany is great. I also think Hamish's photo is funny - he is very smug about being good at maths.

We have a new dog again after an episode at the groomer. Poor poodles and other 'oodles' need to be sedated to have the wool plucked from their ears.

My day off yesterday was spent turning the six kilos of drunken fruit into many kilos of wedding and Christmas cake. Four tins lined with three layers of paper and one enormous bowl of mixture, made twice. The three tins below were photographed while the biggest one was in the oven.

This is a lot of mixture to lick from the bowl. Two such bowls equaled lunch :)

Now, Jossie and Toby are at Kids' Club, Bethany is out with her friend Hannah and I am packing for my weekend away! My reunion is tomorrow...... I think we should go to high tea beforehand to build up our strength. I'll pop on to NQN and research high tea possibilities.

1 comment:

  1. The Heaps are SO famous in Wagga! Love Bethy's remark.... good on Andrew, it is quite a commitment to play in that show. Hope the cakes turned out well....
