Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Secret Santa

We did Secret Santa at the work Christmas party on Saturday night. The brief was to spend $10 on something silly, fun or nice. I went for nice and bought my recipient something handmade from the Makers' Space at the museum. This is what I unwrapped at the restaurant.

It's a very large pirate ship. I know it's a pirate ship because of all the pirates. Can you see who they are?

Harry Potter pirate.

Captain Jack Sparrow.

Those aren't hairy legs, they're wooden legs. Where to hang it?


  1. Bathroom? (behind toilet door?)

  2. No, no....it must have pride of place in your house. A fine article of plastic GO-LO art such as this must be in the front porch as you enter :-)

  3. The Jollyroger likes this!
