Oops, I haven't posted for ages! My excuse is that we have been settling back into term time. Who could have predicted I would have such sporty children, requiring so much driving about?
Andrew was away last week so I did all of the tennis, cycling and piano picking up and dropping off. Bethany is also heavily involved. She does violin, drama, jazz and now tap. Thankfully, they are all done at school, in school hours!
While Joss was competing at the State championships in Sydney, I took Toby to the tennis comp. It was at Forest Hill where it was like stepping back in time. I do love an old fashioned, country tennis club, though it was a little dull for Bethany, bring there for three hours, and there was no coffee.
The paddock across the road has two horses in it at the moment. Bethany and her bus friend have been patting them and feeding them grass.
Bethany began spending a lot of time over there, taking carrots from home. On Tuesday evening one of them bit her on the arm, leaving a very nasty bruise, so the relationship might cool a bit now.
She and her bus friend, however, are pretty much spending every afternoon at one another's houses. I love our street.

I took Toby to tennis again, this time in town. Not nearly as much retro charm, but I could walk over to the Pot 'n Kettle for a fabulous coffee.
Today I visited a brand new baby girl, just born this morning. I bought her a board book version of Jane Eyre, months ago, hoping she would be a girl. Her name is Inara, and I came out of my office to tell everyone of the Firefly name and got nothing but blank looks. Borrow the DVDs from your library, people!